Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I'm super tired, so I'm just going to post some pictures from the Greater Boston Labor Council Labor Day Breakfasat and Healthcare Rally

So, I'm one of the folks that my union keeps inviting to events, and today I got to go to the greater Boston Labor Council Labor Day breakfast, which was a big freakin deal this year since Ted Kennedy's seat is open. Every speaker mentioned Kennedy several times, talking about how he was a champion of the working class, and how we needed to continue the struggle for healthcare for all which includes a public option. the streets were lined with folks supporting people for the senate race, the race for mayor of Boston, and city council


and the room was packed (it was at the park plaza hotel, which was fancy!)
there were some pretty good speeches. Martha Coakley essentially gave a stump speech. The director of the labor council is always a crowdpleaser, and I particularly enjoyed Jim Capuano's speech (he just announced today he will be running for Kennedy's seat as well).
After the speachifying and shmoozing (where one of the union muckity mucks encouraged me to consider running to be a delagate for my ward in somerville to the state democratic convention), we walked down to the common for a rally, which then became a march down Boylston to Copley Square
Me at the Health Care Rally Photo0040P Photo0035
Rep Stephen Lynch got shouted down by the crowd chanting "public option" during the rally when he spoke.

here are some pictures of my union brothers and sisters in the march

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People over Profits! Healthcare for ALL!

Rally in Copley Square
Happy Cat wants halth care reformz nao plz
I had to explain what a lolcat was to my field rep. he saw this sign and asked what was wrong with the guys poster that the words were spelled wrong and what did a cat have to do with healthcare

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